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Sunday, June 14, 2015

Another Sunday...

Not much going on here today.  We went shopping this morning, my roomie has some things to tend to in the morning.   I don't mind shopping on Sundays, other than the store not being restocked.  I hate shopping on Saturdays with all the kiddies.

Its cooler today, but really sticky.  We have a chance for rain.  Maybe it will, but I bet it'll pass us by again.  

The tiger lilies are starting to bloom finally.   Everyone else's have been for over a week.  I guess they're quite literally, late bloomers.

I saw a black squirrel this morning.  That's odd for around here, most of them are brown with hints or grey, red or gold.  He wore his black well though.

OK, I'm just rambling now, so I'll post again tomorrow.


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