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Friday, June 19, 2015

A Little Tired...

We went shopping this morning.  It wasn't particularly taxing, but something in the store was making me cough.   By the time, I got back to the car &  headed home, my eyes were watering & my coughing was more pronounced.  Coughing seriously wipes me out.  I'm not sure what I ran into at Walmart, but that cleared up after a bit.

I needed to deal with some flea issues, so I used the new flea spray.  That stuff is rough & had my nose & throat itching in no time.  My nose & eyes were watering.   Then I had to put up laundry.  I don't care how good a dryer you have, clothes always have some lent left on them,  More coughing & allergen issues.

This has left me a little worn out.   I need to vacuum, but that'll just stir up more stuff.  It may have to wait until tomorrow.  We'll see. 


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