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Sunday, June 28, 2015

Standard Deviations...

I'm a trained Sociologist.  I usually don't go there, but I will now.  A core component of any research science graduate program involves methods, theory &  the dreaded statistics.    These are the tools to do your research.  You'll take a theoretical approach via a research methodology & often use statistics to decipher your data.

This is when you get to things like bell curves.  Similar to that thing you hoped someone didn't set high on your school tests.  Then maybe the teacher might grade on a curve because no got over a certain point.   

If a bell curve is placed on a standard 100 point test, then the center of the curve would be between 50 & 51.  The 1st standard deviation of a normal distribution should account for about 65% of all the points or ranges from mid teens to mid 80's.  The 2nd deviation should include everything from  the next +/- 13% or so or from mid single digits to the mid 90's.  The 3rd deviation should include everything but the lowest & highest points.  Each deviation after that would have even smaller populations.

Why did I just give you crash course on bell curves?   Because this is why conservatives are screaming.  Gays in the USA who just got the national right to marry removed 1 level of standard deviation from themselves & moved closer towards the center of things.  They moved toward the masses.  Like or not, they became more normalized.  I've always been the type to tell you to let your freak flag fly high.   Well, these people's flags just went down a couple of notches, getting closer to everyone else's.

Still don't get it?  OK.  There's a South Park  episode where Cartman is teasing Kenny for being the poorest kid in school.   Eventually Kenny is removed from the school for a while & Cartman revels in it.  At least until he realizes he is now the poorest kid in school.  

If more people become accepted then eventually, we'll have to look for others to discriminate against.  Its all very stars on thars.   What if we really accept the poor, the gay, the downtrodden, the ethnic;  then who will we target?  The ideologues, the religious, the conservatives, etc...  Every step these groups take towards being normal, threatens the conservative's ideology & power.  

With Gays being more accepted, white populations shrinking & less people being religious, there is a very real threat to the conservatives & their fairy tales.   It won't happen soon.  But we're closer than ever to ridding the power positions of this world of people like this.  So, yes, the Supreme Court decision to allow Gay marriage poses a serious risk to their power base.  Goodie.


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