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Saturday, June 6, 2015

Oh Really...

I found an article today that discussed variables making young gay & bi males more prone to contract HIV.  I'm not bothering with a link, not because the info isn't valuable, but because it's been stated a lot already.  This was another "Duh!" moment. 

They found young males 13 - 24 had a higher prevalence of being HIV + if:

  • They lived in a lower income area
  • They were Black or Hispanic
  • They had lesser economic or education opportunities
  • There was a high level HIV in the area
  • There was a high  presence of drug use in the area
Like I said, "Duh!"  These are factors marginalizing them from the rest of society.  I've blogged a lot about marginalization & stigma.  Everyone of those factors is a strike against these people.  

This information is important, but why present it as new?  Its far from it.   This isn't limited to HIV.  Its part of every aspect of life for people living on the fringe.  It irks me someone spent $ to study this. 


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