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Saturday, June 13, 2015

Muggy Morning....

Summer is here & I'm not agreeing with it much.  Not that it matters any.  My main issue is simply, I'm not used to it.  Hopefully, I'll grow more tolerant soon. 

So far, it hasn't affected my sleeping, just how I sleep.  I'm sleeping in weird positions.  I'm waking up stiff & sore.

We've had to adjust to life with fans again.  That means a lot of noise.  It also means a lot of crap flying through the air.  The breeze is nice, but what it does to my nose isn't.

On the bright side.  Some of our flowering bushes are starting to bloom.  The rose of sharon bushes are starting.  The myrtles haven't yet.  But the tiger lilies are nearly open.   The mint is knee-high. Soon maybe we'll have the hummingbirds back. 


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