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Sunday, June 7, 2015

Small Town Crap...

In this town of 20 bumpkins, 10 dogs & countless cats, possums & skunks; I have a good mechanic & a doctor I like.    Other than that, not much else. If you want anything odd, oh I don't know, like a decent sized, table top, oscillating fan you're out of luck.  Even if you can find it, it won't be of any decent quality & will cost a ridiculous amount. 

Most things here are sub-par.  I guess that's just the way of things in rural USA.  We get hand me downs from the larger towns when the cities cast off their left overs.   

Yes, I'm bitching.  No, I can't just up & move.  Yes, I do think there should be some scorched earth policy practiced on this town for not having decent internet, roads or much of anything for that matter.  No, I probably won't get my way.  Damn!

I guess I should just count my blessings the restaurants aren't serving roadkill & calling it "Filet Mignon Especial."


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