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Friday, June 26, 2015

Not Exactly...

I can't not talk about how the US Supreme Court just sided with Gay marriage.  This prevents state from banning these marriages.  It won't solve all the issues Gays face, but its a definite step in the right direction.  Hopefully, this will lead to the removal of laws allowing people to be fired just because they're gay.

This might not have anything directly to do with HIV, but it is related.   This decision removes another point of deviation from the Gay population.  This takes them 1 step close to the center & away from the fringes.  It adds to their societal legitimacy & lessens their marginality.

Maybe this will lead to a better sense of self & belonging for this generation.  Its possible, their risk behavior levels could lower due to this recognition.   I know SCOTUS decided this, but the fight isn't over with yet.  I'm sure the conservative are howling & foaming at the mouth.


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