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Thursday, June 4, 2015

It Continues...

This article & many others out today are talking about a rural Kentucky area & its Hep C epidemic.   The man in the article has tracked over 500 IV drug users since 2008.  At this time up to a 70% are infected with Hep C.   That's 350 + people with a highly infectious disease.   

This probably could've been handled better with more outreach programs & needle exchange.   But this is a southern state where such things are highly frowned upon.  Remember this is only 200 miles south of the county in Indiana suffering from a huge HIV outbreak.  

The writer realizes its just a matter of time before those drug users also test + for HIV.   Then what?  In these states where prevention is a 4-letter word & akin to devil-worship, these highly communicable & preventable diseases are spreading like wildfire.  Way to go conservatives.  

Many people still think this is the 1980's & things like Hep C & HIV are city-things.   But more & more these viruses are present in fairly removed, rural settings.   Places with high-unemployment, little-to-no public services & a lot of drug users.

What's going to happen here?  I have no idea.  Will these states learn?  Most likely not.  They'll do just enough to get through the danger zone & then go back to business as usual.  


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