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Tuesday, June 2, 2015

A Step Maybe...

Not much going on today.  I called my specialist in Tulsa, trying to find out more about the fate of Telemedicine.   I got a hold of the person I though I needed to but she said I'd need to speak on the matter with someone else.  Of course that person wasn't in the office today.    The woman I spoke to said she ask & then return my call. We'll see.

It seems lately that no matter what I'm doing, I'm somehow at the bottom of the list of priorities.  It took 2 deliveries to get my pharmacy order completed.    Unless someone/something needs something from me or for me to do something, I'm a very low priority.    Probably not much I can do about that.  

I can at least not allow them to wallow in it while I'm present.  I fairly fed up with things lately.   I might get past it or I might not.  That depends on thing somewhat on my periphery. 


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