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Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Bill Day Again...

We had a few errands this morning & a cancellation.  Still we managed to get a lot accomplished.  On top of that, its trash day.  The garbage was drug to the curb & there's less junk in the house.

The cancellation was something for my roomie.  Its already been rescheduled, but her momentum is off now.  This was 1 of those things that needed a bit of mental preparation.  When appointments like that get cancelled, its effort down the drain.   Now, she'll have to ramp up all over again.

I'm still waiting to hear back from Tulsa about Telemedicine.  I figure, it's as good as dead.  Still, I need to be sure before I head on to new things. 

That's about it for today.  Hope everyone is doing well.


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