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Friday, June 12, 2015

An Unwanted Reminder...

I picked up my roomie yesterday in Fort Smith.  No big deal.  We stopped for something to eat.  Again, should've been no big deal.  But, it was hot & it turned into a deal.  

Its easy to forget my medications make me very reactive to heat & light.   Its not that big of thing throughout most of the year.   But, I was in the sun & dealing with a muggy 96 F.  

I was OK when we got home, but within an hour I felt like crap.  I had to get the AC going & just set there for quite a while.   Dinner wound up being cold sandwiches, because anything more than  sounded like too much work & something that would've made me ill. 

I'm OK this morning, but I still feel worn out.  Its just 1 of those things when you're on certain medications.  You have to know how they're going to affect you in various situations.  My drugs hate summer time.   No more eating out & then travelling home until it cools off again.


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