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Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Yeah California...

There's big news in California today.  The governor signed into effect a law demanding vaccinations for kids.  The only exceptions will be medical.  Parents are going to scream they know what's best & their rights, blah, blah, blah.   Unless they're medical researchers or other medical staff, I doubt they know better  & screw their tights.  What rights?  The 1's where they don't vaccinate their kid & get to expose others to the virus?  That's BS.

Way to go California.  Promote vaccinations.  Measles shouldn't be something we think about in connection to your state.


Monday, June 29, 2015

Goats Among Us...

Nothing much going on here.  We went shopping, we came home.  I was sitting here looking at some stuff when a neighbor's goat started getting really loud. Mind you, this guy is always loud.  He lives a block a way & I hear him loud & clear.   But today, he sounded really loud & then I knew why.   I looked over & a goat was looking at me through my window.   Turns out it wasn't the goat I thought it was.  Another neighbor also has a goat.   This 1 was probably looking for the other 1.   Maybe it was time to get friendly.  Either way, the goat is back home & not in my window.


Sunday, June 28, 2015

Standard Deviations...

I'm a trained Sociologist.  I usually don't go there, but I will now.  A core component of any research science graduate program involves methods, theory &  the dreaded statistics.    These are the tools to do your research.  You'll take a theoretical approach via a research methodology & often use statistics to decipher your data.

This is when you get to things like bell curves.  Similar to that thing you hoped someone didn't set high on your school tests.  Then maybe the teacher might grade on a curve because no got over a certain point.   

If a bell curve is placed on a standard 100 point test, then the center of the curve would be between 50 & 51.  The 1st standard deviation of a normal distribution should account for about 65% of all the points or ranges from mid teens to mid 80's.  The 2nd deviation should include everything from  the next +/- 13% or so or from mid single digits to the mid 90's.  The 3rd deviation should include everything but the lowest & highest points.  Each deviation after that would have even smaller populations.

Why did I just give you crash course on bell curves?   Because this is why conservatives are screaming.  Gays in the USA who just got the national right to marry removed 1 level of standard deviation from themselves & moved closer towards the center of things.  They moved toward the masses.  Like or not, they became more normalized.  I've always been the type to tell you to let your freak flag fly high.   Well, these people's flags just went down a couple of notches, getting closer to everyone else's.

Still don't get it?  OK.  There's a South Park  episode where Cartman is teasing Kenny for being the poorest kid in school.   Eventually Kenny is removed from the school for a while & Cartman revels in it.  At least until he realizes he is now the poorest kid in school.  

If more people become accepted then eventually, we'll have to look for others to discriminate against.  Its all very stars on thars.   What if we really accept the poor, the gay, the downtrodden, the ethnic;  then who will we target?  The ideologues, the religious, the conservatives, etc...  Every step these groups take towards being normal, threatens the conservative's ideology & power.  

With Gays being more accepted, white populations shrinking & less people being religious, there is a very real threat to the conservatives & their fairy tales.   It won't happen soon.  But we're closer than ever to ridding the power positions of this world of people like this.  So, yes, the Supreme Court decision to allow Gay marriage poses a serious risk to their power base.  Goodie.


Saturday, June 27, 2015

National Testing Day 2015...

Not going to post much today.  I don't want to take the focus away from National HIV Testing Day.  If you don't know your HIV status or haven't been tested in a while, then get out there & get tested.  The earlier you know, the sooner you can take of it & the better off you'll be in the long run.


Friday, June 26, 2015

Not Exactly...

I can't not talk about how the US Supreme Court just sided with Gay marriage.  This prevents state from banning these marriages.  It won't solve all the issues Gays face, but its a definite step in the right direction.  Hopefully, this will lead to the removal of laws allowing people to be fired just because they're gay.

This might not have anything directly to do with HIV, but it is related.   This decision removes another point of deviation from the Gay population.  This takes them 1 step close to the center & away from the fringes.  It adds to their societal legitimacy & lessens their marginality.

Maybe this will lead to a better sense of self & belonging for this generation.  Its possible, their risk behavior levels could lower due to this recognition.   I know SCOTUS decided this, but the fight isn't over with yet.  I'm sure the conservative are howling & foaming at the mouth.


Thursday, June 25, 2015

Too Little...

According to this article from UNAIDS, at the current rate of global HIV transmission, present levels of HIV aid & prevention won't suffice.  Although, there has been a tremendous amount of improvement in the situation, it simply isn't enough.  The current situation is like a damn ready to burst.   

The cases of HIV are advancing faster than the current resource can accommodate.  The world economic situation is poor, the levels of hostilities in parts of the world are immense & the refusal to handle HIV in a practical, ethical manner is abounding.  In short, this article predicts a dramatic uptick in the spread of HIV as things stand now.

I wonder who they'll blame this time.  There's only so much of this they can blame on gays.  There are only so many Africans.   They can't all be drug users & sex-workers.  Oh, silly me, they'll just blame it on the poor & other societal outcasts.

I don't know what to think about this.  We've pushed for so long, I almost think the world deserves it.  We've pushed back against bigots, ideologues & religious freaks, but still we're here doing the same thing.   It shows what these people really value; their $, their politics, their power & their silly fairy tales.


Wednesday, June 24, 2015

2nd AC

Yesterday was our 2nd day to turn on the AC.  Yes, we wait until its hot.  If not, our electric bills would be through the roof.  Its not  pleasant, but its what we can afford.   

The AC is already on today.  It got hot earlier.   Without it,  I can't get any work done around the house.  Its just too damn steamy.  

We haven't got a lot of rain this month.  But the ground's still moist from last month & the waterways are high,  This is making things really sticky.  Its starting to impact my sleep a little.  Oh great.  But, it is nearly the end of June.  The heat's on now.


Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Yard Yick...

I was feeling better until the lawn guy came & mowed yesterday afternoon.   The yard needed it, but I didn't.   Between the heat, humidity & cut grass; I was done for.   My stomach is still feeling off & my sinuses are horrible.  

I went out this morning to spray some weed-killer on anything he missed.   He's not the best yard guy, but he's cheap.  There are always trade-offs.   Being outdoors with the newly cut grass, herbicide & heat did me no favors. 

I hope it heats up enough to turn on the AC.  I need to do the dishes & vacuum again.  Yes again, I have to vacuum a lot during flea season.   I hate fleas.  So far that's my day.


Monday, June 22, 2015

Another Monday Again...

Its the next to last Monday of June.  I got my last bill in the mail this morning.  I'm caught up until the 1st of the month.  We went shopping this morning.  They're working on Walmart's roof.  That may be what's been getting to my breathing when I've been there lately.  It still got to me this morning. 

Summer TV is back or the lack of it is, so my roomie & I've been clearing out our Netflix queue.  Its pretty loaded.  But, tonight is American Ninja Warrior.  We'll be watching. Its the only sporty thing we watch.

Its nice out for now, but it'll heat up later.   Hopefully, enough to turn on the AC.   The humidity is still being nasty here.  Stay cool.


Sunday, June 21, 2015


I read 2 brief articles this morning.  The 1st was about a shelter in Thailand being threatened by the locals in the area.  The locals feel the HIV shelter somehow has put their lives at risk & is a threat to their livelihoods.  I've read numerous articles of the years of shelters in various countries being harassed, chased off & forced to shut down by ignorant, hateful people.  It amounts to no more than idiot villagers with pitchforks.

The 2nd, was about how people living in distressed situations are more prone to contract HIV.   The article mainly looked at Sub-Saharan areas that are experiencing an extreme drought.   The worse the outlook on a person's future, the more apt they are to engage in risky behavior.  Perhaps out of need or an attempt to find some solace.   Either way the virus spreads well when society is overly stressed.

Neither of these articles is saying anything new.  So, why why write about them?  Because of the fact they're saying nothing new.  Nothing has changed in these areas chasing off shelters.  There's nothing new about risky behavior during bad times.  

What also hasn't changed, is our inability to deal with these situations.  The stigma of HIV is still rampaging.  The need for something to get through the moments is still driving us to decisions we'll regret.    The real question is, "Why haven't we done something to change this already?"


Saturday, June 20, 2015

Back On A Warm Spell...

We're warming up again, unfortunately the humidity is lingering.  It's no friend on mine.  But Summer is here & so are all the things that come with it.

We've toned down what we're eating to lighter fare & easier to prepare things.   Cooking in the Summer heats up the house & by the time the food's fixed I really don't feel like eating it.  Oh well, I can stand to lose some weight.

 Right now, I'm just You-Tubing through 70's music & seeing what'll pop up next.   I like doing this.  Its sort of like the randomness of old radio without crappy commercials. 

My pharmacy called called yesterday. Allegedly, I'll have my meds next Friday.  We'll see, I"m not holding my breath.

Hope everyone's have a nice day.


Friday, June 19, 2015

A Little Tired...

We went shopping this morning.  It wasn't particularly taxing, but something in the store was making me cough.   By the time, I got back to the car &  headed home, my eyes were watering & my coughing was more pronounced.  Coughing seriously wipes me out.  I'm not sure what I ran into at Walmart, but that cleared up after a bit.

I needed to deal with some flea issues, so I used the new flea spray.  That stuff is rough & had my nose & throat itching in no time.  My nose & eyes were watering.   Then I had to put up laundry.  I don't care how good a dryer you have, clothes always have some lent left on them,  More coughing & allergen issues.

This has left me a little worn out.   I need to vacuum, but that'll just stir up more stuff.  It may have to wait until tomorrow.  We'll see. 


Thursday, June 18, 2015

Last Year...

Last year at this time my roomie was going through some serious medical issues & was up in Tulsa for treatment.  It was a trying event.  So we're heading out to mark the event in a more, positive manner.


Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Odd Weather...

We're getting a little rain here.  We're supposed to get more this week.  What we're getting in abundance is up's & down's.  The temps aren't moving badly, but the humidity & pressure are.  It hasn't been pleasant.

Every shift in pressure is sending waves through my stomach.  My stomach's not been in good place for days now.  It goes with the territory of my meds, but this weather is really kicking it into play.  Having an already upset stomach doesn't making taking these meds easy.

Right now we're cooler, but really muggy.  Nearly got drenched from sweat just taking out the trash.  Hopefully, we'll get some more rain & it settle the humidity down some.


Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Conversations Stopped...

I've talked a lot about being a person on the fringes, being marginalized for whatever reason.   Whether it's being gay, ethnic, female, trans, + or whatever, there's always some way in which the deck is stacked against you.    This hetero-normative world prefers things in their little pigeon holes & has White males at the top of the pyramid.   

It sucks & a lot of people get discriminated daily just on the basis of not being white, hetero male in this society.   Its a serious issue & should be talked about.  It should be addressed.   

But, we have to deal with the fact no amount of litigation or civil law is going to intrinsically change how people respond to us.   It isn't illegal for a racist person to be racist.  As long as he doesn't actively discriminate against you in some legally protected way, he's within his rights.  Not saying he's not an ass, but he's not breaking any laws.

Some of us in these fringe communities have gotten too sensitive to these others.   Some of us have fought so hard for so long, we just see everything as a slight.  Some want the fight just for the drama. 

Take the gay cake fiascoes that keep getting talked about in the news.  OK, I'm gay & if someone refused to handle my business I'd move on to the next baker.  No way, I'd try to force someone to handle my cake, they'd probably spit in it.  

I'd never go to that bakery again. I'd write every bad review I could.  But, I wouldn't take them to court,  If I was a baker, there'd be plenty of things I wouldn't want to put on my cakes.  I'd avoid politics, religion & racial things.  I wouldn't want to produce a hateful cake.  That'd be my bakery & my name.

Again, I am gay & if someone doesn't want to deal with me, it doesn't make it a gay issue.  They could just have a problem with me personally.  They may be in a bad place themselves.  Even if it was because I'm gay, so what?  Trying to force thing would most likely only worsen the issue.  

We, the marginalized, can become so jaded we're locked & loaded, ready for a fight.  We can see slights where there were no meant.  We can choose worthless battles over meaningful wars.   We need to choose our fights & hold back on cries of indignation until we're sure of the situation.  If not people will think we're just milking the issue.  Is that all we're doing?  Maybe some of us, just like the attention.


Monday, June 15, 2015


We often have celebrities or at least semi-famous people announcing their whatevers.  They tell us they're gay, they're +, they're trans, they're this, they're that, etc...  Why am I conflicted?

When these shining star types announce something like this it acts like a lightning rod on these hot-button topics.   Oh, Mr/Miss Jenner is trans & transitioning.  Oh this singer is gay or that poet is +.  I get what's going on.  They've made themselves a poster child for their whatever.   But why?  Have they actually done it to help awareness?  Have they done it to boost they're image & ratings?  Is it both or something else?  Does it matter?

I think what matters more,  is why do everyday people even care?  I get it if you personally are part of this celebrity's whatever.  If you're gay, + or whatever, it might help having someone out there you know is going through the same thing as you.  I get that.  But those famous people aren't going through the same thing as you.  They really aren't.  

I follow a Facebook page dedicated to Lyme.   Its a very difficult disease to treat since most doctors don't want to recognize Chronic Lyme & insurers won't cover it.  Most people who develop Chronic Lyme have to go without treatment.  They can't travel the literal thousands of miles it may take to find a doctor willing to risk treating them.  They can't afford the tens of thousands of dollars treatment will cost.  So they suffer.  

That isn't the case for rich/famous folks.  The Lyme page showed a month's worth of meds for Avril Lavigne who suffers from the ailment.  It an amazing amount of drugs covering half a dining room table.  But she can afford to travel to these places & get those treatments.  Am I condemning her?  Not at all, she's got to do what she can for herself.  But, that proves when the rich & famous have a condition, its nothing like when a poor, unknown has it.

Most people really don't care about anything that isn't present in their lives.  Maybe they just don't have the motivation, information or the energy.  A lot of people act removed from everyday issues of other people until they come closer to home.  Oh, I got into Cancer runs because my mother had cancer.  I got active in crisis line after I knew someone who  _____.  I finally got tested for HIV after someone I met told me they were +.

It doesn't always take a direct exposure to motivate us.  Some people feel prompted to act when a celebrity they follow admits their whatever.  Brenner & Cox are pushing trans issues into the lime light.  At least annually some artist announces their HIV status.  We find out some tragic story behind an actor.  Then we're amped & ready to do something, for at least the next week or so.

Why is it we can feel this pseudo-empathy for people we don't even know, but can't feel anything about those suffering in our own backyards?  What of the homeless you see everyday?  What of the abandoned animals?  What of the elderly with no one to help?  Where's all that F'ing empathy then!?

I get that these people coming forward with their fame can promote awareness.  I do.  But all that does is tell the rest of us what you really think.   Maybe if we'd been rich or famous, we could've gotten better treatment.  Maybe someone would've gave a damn.  I know, nothing new there.   Time to face it people, you don't really care, you're just following whatever's trending.

None of this is ever going to change.  Not until people can care about a subject they have no direct interaction with in their lives.  It doesn't matter if its abuse, disease, addiction, discrimination or whatever.  Until we can find it in ourselves to care for those we can't directly relate to, then this lack of empathy will continue.  I don't have high hopes for us.

Not saying I'm any better.  But, this is why I'm conflicted about celebrities announcing their whatevers.   I wish these people well with their issues.  But what about everyone whose stories we'll never hear.  Are they less important, because they weren't known by more people?


Sunday, June 14, 2015

Another Sunday...

Not much going on here today.  We went shopping this morning, my roomie has some things to tend to in the morning.   I don't mind shopping on Sundays, other than the store not being restocked.  I hate shopping on Saturdays with all the kiddies.

Its cooler today, but really sticky.  We have a chance for rain.  Maybe it will, but I bet it'll pass us by again.  

The tiger lilies are starting to bloom finally.   Everyone else's have been for over a week.  I guess they're quite literally, late bloomers.

I saw a black squirrel this morning.  That's odd for around here, most of them are brown with hints or grey, red or gold.  He wore his black well though.

OK, I'm just rambling now, so I'll post again tomorrow.


Saturday, June 13, 2015

Muggy Morning....

Summer is here & I'm not agreeing with it much.  Not that it matters any.  My main issue is simply, I'm not used to it.  Hopefully, I'll grow more tolerant soon. 

So far, it hasn't affected my sleeping, just how I sleep.  I'm sleeping in weird positions.  I'm waking up stiff & sore.

We've had to adjust to life with fans again.  That means a lot of noise.  It also means a lot of crap flying through the air.  The breeze is nice, but what it does to my nose isn't.

On the bright side.  Some of our flowering bushes are starting to bloom.  The rose of sharon bushes are starting.  The myrtles haven't yet.  But the tiger lilies are nearly open.   The mint is knee-high. Soon maybe we'll have the hummingbirds back. 


Friday, June 12, 2015

An Unwanted Reminder...

I picked up my roomie yesterday in Fort Smith.  No big deal.  We stopped for something to eat.  Again, should've been no big deal.  But, it was hot & it turned into a deal.  

Its easy to forget my medications make me very reactive to heat & light.   Its not that big of thing throughout most of the year.   But, I was in the sun & dealing with a muggy 96 F.  

I was OK when we got home, but within an hour I felt like crap.  I had to get the AC going & just set there for quite a while.   Dinner wound up being cold sandwiches, because anything more than  sounded like too much work & something that would've made me ill. 

I'm OK this morning, but I still feel worn out.  Its just 1 of those things when you're on certain medications.  You have to know how they're going to affect you in various situations.  My drugs hate summer time.   No more eating out & then travelling home until it cools off again.


Thursday, June 11, 2015

Heading Out...

I have to go get my roomie from Fort Smith.  I nearly forgot about posting. I was busy with some little stuff this morning & let it slip.  

Its staying warm & my stomach isn't making the seasonal well.  I never do.  I don't like seasonal shifts, they never agree with me.

I'll get used to in it in a bit.  For now, I'm not liking it.  Stay cool.


Wednesday, June 10, 2015

In With The New...

We had an errands this morning, well my roomie did.  It was a new beginning for her.  Here's hoping for a good outcome.  Beginning new relationships of any kind can be tricky.  The old was taken to the curb just now.  Trash day is upon us again.  I'm glad we took it out when we did, its starting to heat up.

There's a lot of talk about places that have made being gay illegal or basically so & how their HIV levels are on the rise.  They seem perplexed.    Just because you make something illegal doesn't mean everyone stopped doing it.  On top of that, having sex isn't the only way to transmit HIV.

I've recently blogged about 2 small, rural American towns both having problems with communicable diseases, HIV & Hep C.   Neither of these places probably thought of themselves as having a high  gay population & they probably didn't.  What they did have was every other factor promoting a high transmission rate of HIV.

Most the countries around the world actively discriminating against gays or making homosexuality illegal are not in great financial shape.  They're often overly ideological &/or religious.    Often with poor economies & no real means to deal with viruses like HIV & Hep C. 

So let them persecute gays.  Let them set back & think they're safe.  All the while, the poor, risky & disenfranchised will transmit the viruses like wildfire.   Sucks to be them, but what did they really expect?  No god, social status, political affiliation or wishful thinking will protect you from HIV.


Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Morning Errands...

We're heading over to Fort Smith today.   I'm in need of a decent replacement fan for my room.  I didn't think finding 1 would be such a hassle.  We have to look for some other things as well.  Hopefully, this will be a decently successful trip.  Until tomorrow.


Monday, June 8, 2015

Another Monday...

So far today's been pretty decent.  Nothing has broken or been problematic.   We went shopping.  Its getting to be pretty common place for a lot of Walmart's shelf to be half empty.  How's that working for your business model, Walmart?  People can't buy what's not there.

It might rain today.  I'm hoping it does.  We've been very warm, mid 90's F, the last few days & its been very humid.  It needs to rain.

Yes, I know I wanted to quit raining not too long ago.  But that was about flooding.  I'm talking about needing some showers here, not another deluge. 

Still, so far, its been a good day.


Sunday, June 7, 2015

Small Town Crap...

In this town of 20 bumpkins, 10 dogs & countless cats, possums & skunks; I have a good mechanic & a doctor I like.    Other than that, not much else. If you want anything odd, oh I don't know, like a decent sized, table top, oscillating fan you're out of luck.  Even if you can find it, it won't be of any decent quality & will cost a ridiculous amount. 

Most things here are sub-par.  I guess that's just the way of things in rural USA.  We get hand me downs from the larger towns when the cities cast off their left overs.   

Yes, I'm bitching.  No, I can't just up & move.  Yes, I do think there should be some scorched earth policy practiced on this town for not having decent internet, roads or much of anything for that matter.  No, I probably won't get my way.  Damn!

I guess I should just count my blessings the restaurants aren't serving roadkill & calling it "Filet Mignon Especial."


Saturday, June 6, 2015

Oh Really...

I found an article today that discussed variables making young gay & bi males more prone to contract HIV.  I'm not bothering with a link, not because the info isn't valuable, but because it's been stated a lot already.  This was another "Duh!" moment. 

They found young males 13 - 24 had a higher prevalence of being HIV + if:

  • They lived in a lower income area
  • They were Black or Hispanic
  • They had lesser economic or education opportunities
  • There was a high level HIV in the area
  • There was a high  presence of drug use in the area
Like I said, "Duh!"  These are factors marginalizing them from the rest of society.  I've blogged a lot about marginalization & stigma.  Everyone of those factors is a strike against these people.  

This information is important, but why present it as new?  Its far from it.   This isn't limited to HIV.  Its part of every aspect of life for people living on the fringe.  It irks me someone spent $ to study this. 


Friday, June 5, 2015

More Little Things...

Its been weird without a porch cat, really quiet.  I didn't realize how much noise they made.  Without Hex, the others haven't been around.  There's been no fussing or racing across the porch.   I've not been woke up by cat fights. 

I don't have to go check on the porch now.  I still do, but I don't have to.  Its just a habit.   

Today was nice.  I got to watch the neighbor's white cat try to climb the crepe myrtle.    A lot birds live in the top of this old bush.   It never really gets cut back, so its 15+ feet tall.   Still the bush is deceptive.  The start of the climb is easy for them, but that quickly changes.   So far, I've not seen any cat make it near the nests or the birds.   Its fun to watch them try, sort of like a rigged carnival game .

With fewer cats, the local squirrels have grown more comfortable with the yard.   They race about hiding their finds.  If they're lucky, the birds don't immediately go pluck up the hidden treasures.

Porch life has changed, mostly come to a halt.  Still, the yard has birds & the like.  Maybe soon the hummingbirds will show up & the dragonflies. I know, I can be easily distracted.  Its the little things.


Thursday, June 4, 2015

It Continues...

This article & many others out today are talking about a rural Kentucky area & its Hep C epidemic.   The man in the article has tracked over 500 IV drug users since 2008.  At this time up to a 70% are infected with Hep C.   That's 350 + people with a highly infectious disease.   

This probably could've been handled better with more outreach programs & needle exchange.   But this is a southern state where such things are highly frowned upon.  Remember this is only 200 miles south of the county in Indiana suffering from a huge HIV outbreak.  

The writer realizes its just a matter of time before those drug users also test + for HIV.   Then what?  In these states where prevention is a 4-letter word & akin to devil-worship, these highly communicable & preventable diseases are spreading like wildfire.  Way to go conservatives.  

Many people still think this is the 1980's & things like Hep C & HIV are city-things.   But more & more these viruses are present in fairly removed, rural settings.   Places with high-unemployment, little-to-no public services & a lot of drug users.

What's going to happen here?  I have no idea.  Will these states learn?  Most likely not.  They'll do just enough to get through the danger zone & then go back to business as usual.  


Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Bill Day Again...

We had a few errands this morning & a cancellation.  Still we managed to get a lot accomplished.  On top of that, its trash day.  The garbage was drug to the curb & there's less junk in the house.

The cancellation was something for my roomie.  Its already been rescheduled, but her momentum is off now.  This was 1 of those things that needed a bit of mental preparation.  When appointments like that get cancelled, its effort down the drain.   Now, she'll have to ramp up all over again.

I'm still waiting to hear back from Tulsa about Telemedicine.  I figure, it's as good as dead.  Still, I need to be sure before I head on to new things. 

That's about it for today.  Hope everyone is doing well.


Tuesday, June 2, 2015

A Step Maybe...

Not much going on today.  I called my specialist in Tulsa, trying to find out more about the fate of Telemedicine.   I got a hold of the person I though I needed to but she said I'd need to speak on the matter with someone else.  Of course that person wasn't in the office today.    The woman I spoke to said she ask & then return my call. We'll see.

It seems lately that no matter what I'm doing, I'm somehow at the bottom of the list of priorities.  It took 2 deliveries to get my pharmacy order completed.    Unless someone/something needs something from me or for me to do something, I'm a very low priority.    Probably not much I can do about that.  

I can at least not allow them to wallow in it while I'm present.  I fairly fed up with things lately.   I might get past it or I might not.  That depends on thing somewhat on my periphery. 


Monday, June 1, 2015

Busy 1st Morning...

Had to go shopping & run some errands this morning.  The weather's warming up again.  Maybe we'll dry  out a little.  

There are some changes going on here.  For me, adjusting to not having a porch cat.  Its seriously weird.  Its the right thing for now, but still its odd not to have a cat lounging on the porch.  There's been at least 1 since we've moved into this house.

Some serious lack of professionalism has forced my roomie into having to deal with some changes in her life.  As to be expected, she isn't happy about it.  Today, she took another step in approaching those alterations.  

So May is behind us.  Other than all the rain, the power outage, the costs & dealing with Hex Cat this wasn't a bad month.   Just with those things, it wasn't a great 1.   So, hello June.  Can we keep the mayhem & misery to a minimum.  

It'd be appreciated.
