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Monday, December 1, 2014

December 1st - World AIDS Day...

Today is World AIDS Day.  Since 1987, December 1st  has been designated as a day to promote HIV awareness.  You can find out more about it at .   There a lot of things on line promoting this event.

I've talked about this concept before, the point at which you start treatment as a + person.    This article goes on about the subject in more detail.  The gist of the matter is the sooner an infected person starts treatment, the better they can expect their recovery to go.  I was very late in treatment & I'm not at all near what a person treated earlier could've been healthwise.

Finally, this is December 1st.  Hello December.  November was fairly pleasant to us, please try to be the same.  This is the holiday season, we don't need anything else adding drama.  Thanks.  2014, you're on the downhill slide of your reign,  I hope your time ends pleasantly.  


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