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Saturday, December 6, 2014

Yesterday & Today...

Yesterday was a bit rushed for me.  I had errands to do & a trip over to Fort Smith to pick up my roomie.  All the while, it drizzled, only occasionally getting to a moderate rain.  It was dismal & foggy, but at the same time muggy.  There was nothing pleasant about it. 

But it's done.  My roomie got time with her friend & the new baby.  We finished up holiday shopping.  Plans for said holidays were solidified.    We accomplished what needed to be done.

Too bad, my neck was killing me the whole day.  Its only somewhat better today.  This weather & everything still have me feeling like crap.   I seriously need a good day.

I hate high humidity.  In the Summer, it puts you in a sticky boil.  In the Winter, it makes the cold cut to the bone.  

I know there are articles that need discussing.  But right now, I don't have the focus to deal with them.  Sorry, but I'm just too spent to give much of a damn about anything right now.


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