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Thursday, December 11, 2014

Don't Want To Talk Right Now...

I hate this time of year, it always, repeat always, finds a way to screw me.  From the 1st sign of chilly nights until we're warming up again in May is a dangerous time for me.  I start having stress dreams about $$$ & resources.   You know what?  Something always happens to justify that stress. Can't we just skip the damn holiday season?  Seriously, it sucks!  From cars to medical to computers, something always goes wrong.  

The car repairs were more than I'd thought they'd be.  Now, not only am I not done with the dentist like I thought, I need another crown.  Just F'ing yippie!  There goes another $400 - 500.  Resources that had been set aside to fix the van's issues with the AC.  We lucked out this Summer, it wasn't that hot.  But, what about next Summer, will it be as cool?

After all this, sometime before April, I'll need $ for insurance & AAA (No, AAA is not a luxury item).   Then the damn social workers will be climbing up in our business, for their annual embarrass the crap out of you, annual review.

So, yes, I hate this time of year.  Sorry, I'm ranting, but I that's all I can handle right now.   The dentistry issues most likely have a lot to do with being + & being on HIV meds.  Both of those can be detrimental to your teeth.  Try to see a dentist as often as possible.


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