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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Smoking & HIV...

This article details how smoking can amplify & even double some risk in HIV patients.  Some of the possibilities are cancer & death.  Most of you have probably heard something like this in other articles.

This is a good article. I think you should probably quit smoking for your own well being, especially your wallet's well being.  But, the point here is something else.  

Smoking is just 1 factor that can impact the health of + people.  There are others such as weight issues, previously existing  health matters or lifestyle choices.  Excess drinking, hard partying, sleep deprivation can all impact your health & especially if you're chronically ill or on certain medications. 

With HIV, you have to evaluate every aspect of your life.  Is this or that helping or harming my treatment regimen/health?  Is this symptom part of HIV, the meds, something else or all the above? 

You have to get to know your state of well being.  What will & will not impact you & in what manner if it  does.  HIV isn't alone in this situation.  People with diabetes & those who suffer from many other chronic illnesses have to worry about this as well.  

Again, this article is important on it's own, but its just a reminder that when you have HIV, everything counts.  Anything can affect your health.  Your health is your responsibility.  Its up to you to protect yourself.


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