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Friday, December 19, 2014

Every Day...

Nearly Every day I read something that proves to me the stigma against people with HIV rages.  I've accepted most people are simply self-interested, bigots who are willing to do their worst to the people who can least handle it.

I read about people fearing for their jobs, their safety, their ability to even find food or shelter.  That's in the USA,   That's in my area.  I read about charities abroad being forced to leave their communities & take the  + people they're helping with them, because of fearful, nasty people. I've read about Britain's longest HIV survivor & activist finally having to leave his home because of all the hate.  That was England, not some backwoods country.  I just read about a young boy in China, whose village is forming a petition to have him put into isolation for the sake of the villagers.  Even the grandparents of this 8 year old boy signed the petition against him.  

Don't try to tell me there are enough good people out there trying to help people to balance this out.  Because there aren't.  I wish nothing but the worse on those who would target the sick, the poor & the weak,  A pox on them & theirs.  May they be put into a situation they can't handle, that they fear & let there be nothing but animosity awaiting them.   Let them face the wrath of stupid, fearful  & hateful people.  

I know I'm being so Christmasy, right.  This may be the season for giving, but I'm not in  a charitable mood.  I've dealt with too much this year & constantly reading this crap about cowards going after + people just pisses me off.  Its been  30+ years, get the hell over it or drop dead already. 

Imagine being a small boy who contracted HIV from his mother whose village has turned on him.  A boy who's never had anyone to play with.  A boy who's own grandparents signed a petition to have him removed.   Just imagine his life, his fears, his needs, his confusion.  The fear of those adult villagers is just ludicrous in comparison.   I wish the boy the best, but let his village burn. 


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