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Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Early Post...

I'm doing this post early, because I'll be busy tomorrow.  Tuesday started out well, but it didn't last.  My roomie got a flat tire.  No big deal, then we changed the tire & the spare is flat as well.   The mechanic came  took the car.  It needs  2 new tires & an oil change, there's some $$$.

I got some unhappy news about a internet site I frequent.  I don't know if it's situation is permanent or not.  I hope it isn't. 

Later, just after eating chicken & dumplings for dinner, I somehow break a tooth.   I don't know if a filling fell out or if it's yet another tooth affected by HIV.  I've had this happen once before,  The tooth simply softened & broke.  I was just at the damned dentist office.  I called him & he told me to call in the morning to set up an immediate appointment.   I don't know when that will be.

Tomorrow isn't looking fun.  Tomorrow is disrupting my schedule.  Tomorrow is looking expensive.  So far, I'm not liking tomorrow.  Hope you're having a better day.  


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