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Sunday, December 7, 2014

1st Sunday, 3 Left...

Today is the end of the 1st week of the last month of 2014.  There are only 3 more Sundays this year.  It's always weird for me to think of things that way.  That 2014 will soon no longer be the present,  It will no longer be a thing at all, just a memory.

Other than feeling under the  weather, this has been a good week.  Nothing has been too much of a hassle. So, it's  a keeper.

The mice  have returned.  They've been setting off the traps.  Yucky business.

I've been posting past Christmas specials to my Facebook page.  I did a lot of music last year.  I decided to change  it a bit & go with these shows from my childhood.  Most of them were better than what they show today.

I hope everyone's 1st week of December went well.


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