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Friday, December 26, 2014


This article discusses how the India based Lupin company just received approval from the USFDA to produce a generic form of the drug Epivir.   This news impacts me, I take the generic form known as Lamivudine.  I'm not sure what this will mean for me, if anything.

On another note, I waited all day Christmas Eve for my meds to arrive.  They didn't.  I couldn't call the pharmacy until today.  They failed to tell me they needed refills.  Something I could've handled when they called when they made the order.  My doctor is out until Monday.  I might have my order in a week or so.  Luckily I wasn't low on anything.   CVS Caremark is back to sucking.

Well, it's December 26th & I'm exhausted.  I've had all the holidays I can stand.   I've had my fill of December & 2014.   For now, I'm staying inside & doing as little as possible.   Have a good ending to the year.


1 comment:

  1. Lupine Ltd., still regarded as a good stock. The entire pharma sector is facing a crisis because of the USFDA. The stock has been performing like Lupine for a few years now.
