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Friday, December 5, 2014

Going Out Later...

I have errands to run later & I have to pick up my roomie.  I haven't felt well the last few days.  I'm  not sure if its the weather, my sinuses, my meds, HIV or a combo of any or all the above.  My digestion has been hellish & giving OMG get to the bathroom stomach issues.    

I think a lot of has to do with all the dismal weather we've been having.  This crap drains me quick.  It's  dreary again today & raining.   I'm no fan of grey skies.  

All of this is tiring.  The problem with it really is, the longer it goes the more tiring just be tired becomes.  That sounds weird, I know.  It gets really hard to get motivated to much of anything.

This wet, drear chill weather sucks.  Hopefully, we'll get some sun soon.  I need a pick me up & no house lamp is going to do it.   Maybe tomorrow or the next day.


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