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Sunday, December 28, 2014

Chilly Ending...

We've stayed a bit warmer than normal here the last week.  Last night was the 1st time in days, we left a stove on & the water dripping.  Now, it looks like we're ending the year with a bit of a chill.  We're expecting some nights in the 20's F.  We've already hit those in November, but December has stayed fairly warm.   A little too warm, my yard looks like it needs mowing.  That is not going to happen.  

We're really just into Winter, so what the season will be like is still up in the air.  Hopefully, it'll be cold enough to kill off the bugs & grass.  But not so cold to be a major issue with ice & the like.

Stay safe & warm, or cool depending on where you're at.


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