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Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Foggy Tuesday ...

It's finally starting to let up, but this morning has been a foggy mess.  There are times when fog is a neat weather phenomenon.   I don't appreciate the atmospheric blur during the Winter though.  Fog is nothing but a soppy cloud to heavy to to soar.  

During the cold season that just means that moisture is down here with us.   That wetness covers everything & seeps into you, chilling you down to the bone.  I can appreciate a nice morning fog while still in September or October, but they've overstayed their welcome if they're still here in December or beyond.  

This kind of weather just aggravates my health situation.  It adds to aches & pains,  It irritates my sinuses,  It needs to go.

The sun is finally starting to shine.  Hopefully it'll burn this fog away quickly.  I'd like a bright day for the 1st time in over a week,  

Here's hoping for nice, sunny weather where ever you may be.  


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