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Sunday, February 9, 2014

Yick & Yuck...

I look out my window & I see spots of leftover snow covering a mushy brown yard.  The sky is still overcast, the air is wet & it's just an unpleasant day.    Days like these don't motivate me to do much of anything  except crawl back in bed.  

Neither my roomie or me are feeling 100%.  This season has done a number on us physically & emotionally.  The cats are finding covers to burrow themselves into.  They're only coming out for the essentials; food, water, litterbox, etc...

At least it's slightly warmer today.  I can stop having the faucets drip for a while.  My hands are doing somewhat better.  But all this time with heaters is giving me nosebleeds.   I guess there's always a trade off.  Oh well, just the rest of February & some of March to get through & then things will be moving on to Spring.


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