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Thursday, February 6, 2014

1st Thursday...

It's the 1st Thursday of the month & it's pretty damn cold out.  Hell, it's cold inside.  I've had the heaters going & I can barely keep it at 60 F.  That wouldn't be so bad, if it wasn't so wet here.  This old house is like a sieve for air & moisture.

My hands aren't happy today.  For that matter, neither is the rest of my body.   I have to do some running around later.  My roomie is off visiting a friend.  I'll need to get her & see if my labs are in.  That's if I feel like the lab stuff.  I'll have to stop & get gas, which means getting out of the car.  Yeah for me, I get to be out in the cold more.

I think I've mentioned about a 1,000 times that I hate cold weather.  All I want to do this time of the year is bundle up & hibernate.   Bears have the right idea.   There may be better stuff to blog about today.  But, at this moment, I'm too cold to care.


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