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Thursday, February 27, 2014


Sometimes having a plan is the only way that I can cope with certain life events.  Unfortunately, I didn't have a plan for the loss of the Telemedicine bus.  I didn't even think about it.  I didn't consider they'd be so ridiculous as not to have the means to maintain the program come what may.

I've lost access to the bus.  I'm going to have to drive to Tulsa (2 1/2 hours 1 way) for a 15 minute to 30 minute appointment.  I've lost respect & trust for my specialist's office & staff.  I've worried over this.  This will cost me $.   This will be a burden on my household.

I plan on making the appointment with them in late March or early April.  I want to make sure this Winter crap is gone.  If I haven't found anything by then, the return trip will be in Octoberish & not during the heat of August.  

I'm going to do some research on my own & ask my primary care physician if there are any alternatives at this point.  There might not be.  If not, I'm entirely done being polite to the doctors in Tulsa.  IMO, they screwed me & everyone else who depended on that bus.  May a bus run them down.

I'm a fairly simmering personality to begin with, but this has had me seething for over a week.  I didn't need it.  I hope I can find an alternative for my sake, my roomie's sake & so I can tell them to go F'Off. 

Wish me luck, I"m going to need it.


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