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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Well This Sucks...

I went to bed way early last night.   Somewhere well before 11:00.  I felt like crap & I knew I needed to get some extra sleep.  I went to bed with achy muscles, a slight fever & a headache. All went well until about 3:30 AM.  I woke & had to go to the bathroom.  My head was congested, my nose was stuffed up & somehow I felt worse than when I went to bed.  I got out the vapor rub & tried to get back to sleep.  That never quite happened.  I'd sleep for a bit, then need to roll over or adjust my head so I could breathe.  When I finally drug my butt out of bed, I felt like hell.  Here's hoping a hot shower, so food & drink, plus ibuprofen will knock this stuff down some.  Sorry this is short & in a single paragraph, but that's all I can do today.


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