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Sunday, February 16, 2014


So far, the sink fix is holding.   Too bad I'm not.   My body had no appreciation whatsoever for the various contortion routines I had to do in order to change that faucet.

Besides being exposed to who knows what under that sink, I also had to twist my body into positions I don't normally assume.  I'm not a master of plumber sutra.  Hell, I'm not even a novice. 

My back is killing me where I leaned against the shelf.  This morning I woke up to a throbbing neck pain.  I had to crane my neck back at an odd angle for quite a bit during the installation of the new faucet.  Now, I'm paying for it.

They say, "Every form of refuge has its price."  You either call a plumber & wait, then give him a lot of $.  Or you do it yourself & pay for it in aggravation, sweat, pain, teats, cussing, soreness, etc..

The weather is warming up & I was hoping to be on the mend, but this endeavor has knocked me back a bit.  Hopefully, it won't be for too long.    I'm very tired of being sick already.


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