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Thursday, February 13, 2014

Warming Up, But Still Yucky...

We're int he 50's F today.   That's a significant warm up from the last bit.  It's weird to think here in Oklahoma,we're in the 50's & farther south has been covered in ice & wintery crap.  

I'm thankful for the warm up, but I still feel like crap.  I'm getting better, but I'm worn out.   I'm sleeping better but not great.   I hope this stuff vacates soon.  It's very tiresome.  

I have a Telemedicine appointment next Wednesday.  I've seen my labs & they look fairly normal for me.  Not great, but what I expected.  I doubt my CD4 will ever be where they want it to be.  

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day.  Normally, we'd go do something ironic for the day, but both of us are just to out of it to do anything.  So, home we stay.  Have a happy V-Day.


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