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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Here's Hoping...

I'm feeling better today.  The coughing seems to have mostly subsided.  Especially, compared to yesterday.   I have plans to do absolutely as little as possible.  I'm by no means going to push myself until this crap has been out of my system for a bit.  I don't need a relapse.

My body is still a little sore from everything.  I still haven't caught up with quite enough sleep, but I'm getting there.  No pushing for me.

Tomorrow is my Telemedicine appointment.  They gave me a new caseworker.  I like this better already.  She sent me her email.  I can avoid phone tag.  I hate playing phone tag & it seems that's all I ever do when I call that office.  Now, I'll just send off an email & set back.

We're over halfway through the month.  We have a little over a month left of Winter.  I know I've been sick & there have been repairs needed.  Still, so far, nothing's been too horrible.  I hope a cold & a crapped out faucet are the worse 2014 has to offer me.  My roomie has already surpassed that, but maybe her worst has passed as well.


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