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Monday, February 17, 2014

Spent, But On The Mend...

I'm getting passed this crap I've had, but I'm still worn out over it.   We had to go shopping this morning.  The  shopping wasn't that bad, but the wind was.  I was very gusty out this morning & it was blowing debris every where.  When we got back I spent several minutes coughing crap up.

It doesn't help that we made it up into the low 70's F yesterday.  I mean, give me a break.  From below freezing to 70's in a few days is a rough transition.  Luckily, we're supposed to drop back down into more seasonal  temps soon.

I looked at articles on the web today.  Most were about topics I've covered a lot already.  The only 1 that stood out was on using Marijuana or THC to fight HIV.  The article was too brief on the matter & really didn't offer anything concrete so I let it go.  Maybe they'll post more later.

Here's hoping for a good, quiet week.  I still have to go to Telemedicine on Wednesday & then to Fort Smith on the Thursday.  I just want everything to go as smoothly as possible.


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