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Thursday, February 20, 2014

Still Not Sure...

I've not heard from my specialist office on the fate of the Telemedicine bus.   I have no idea on what's going to happen with my appointments with my specialist.   I hate this.

I had a nice, easy schedule & now it might be blown forever.  The not knowing sucks.  It's left me very irritable & without a lot resources to get through things right at the moment.

I have to run to Fort smith to get my roomie today.  I need to pay some bills while I'm over there.  I really hope nothing else goes wrong today or for a while.  I need a break.

I'm stressed.  I still have a bit of a sinus thing going.  I'm tired.  Quite frankly, I'm fed up with other people's BS.   Surely that damned doctor's office would have an answer about something by now.  Or, at least some serious info.


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