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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Cold & Worn Down...

Yesterday should've been an easy trip to the dentist office for a cleaning.  It wasn't.  For some reason every idiot driver decided it was his/her day to show off their incredible abundance of assholery & stupidity.  What should've been a quick 1 - 2 hour trip, turned into a 4 1/2 hours of serious unfun driving.  

It didn't help that the weather dumped rain, snow, sleet & serious fog on us.  Every old codger decided they just had to get out there & show the world they could still drive.   Yeah, you can drive as long as no one goes of 15 mph.  If you can't drive the speed limit, get off the road.

I had less than fruitful shopping errands as well as the dentist.  We finally got something to eat & we headed out as quick as possible seeing that we were stuck behind papa pain-in-the-ass & mama-molasses.

We were already on the sickly side of things. We didn't need this frustration.  Today has been fairly sluggish.  It's cold & we had to get the trash out.  Fortunately that's about it for the day.  I was going to go get my lab results, but I don't want to deal with that today.  Maybe tomorrow.


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