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Sunday, February 2, 2014

6 More Weeks...

According to the groundhogs, we're in for 6 more weeks of Winter weather.  That seems the case for today.   We're supposed to gt up 4" of snow & sleet today.  I think we're about halfway there already.  

I'm fine with this, as long as there's no more sudden, extreme warm ups in the mix as well.  My hands still look like hell but feel a lot better than they have in a bit.  That's a definite good thing.

As long as we only get snow from here out, we'll be fine.  It might pack down, but it's not nearly as slick as ice.  32 F is our high today & we  hit that by 9 AM.  Luckily we don't have to go out for anything today.

Stay warm & stay safe.  


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