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Monday, January 20, 2014

Shoot Him...

According to this article & many others across the net today, HIV + Michael Johnson was charged with exposing sexual partners to the virus.  The 22 year old not only knowingly exposed his partners, but he filmed the occurrences.  There are at least 32 of these incidents.

It's everyone's personal responsibility to protect themselves from HIV & STD's.   That does not excuse Mr. Johnson's behavior.   While exposing these people to the virus, he secretly filmed these encounters.

 IMO, this man is a serial killer.  I realize treatment is available.  I know his victims had choices, but so did he.  He willingly altered their lives.  The lives these people had are forever, irrevocably changed.  For what reason?  So this sick bastard could get his jollies laughing as he infected them.   He even has souvenirs of his escapades.  

This man deserves to be put down.  He's far worse than a rabid dog & should be put down.  This is the time to realize that bullets are cheap. Shoot the SOB.

Sorry for the ranting.


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