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Wednesday, January 8, 2014


I got a good reminder I'm not the most healthy person yesterday.  Monday, I had to run to Fort Smith & get a new computer.  I had to go by myself because I was expecting my meds.  My roomie stayed home to sign for them.  (Of course they didn't arrive until after I got home, but if she'd gone they'd been there early).  Then the idiotic pharmacy screwed up my order again.

Yesterday, I had a lot of errands to run.  We were just getting ready to go & then we noticed the damn tire on the van was low again.  That cost an hour & a half to get fixed.   What were looking for in Fort Smith was eluding us & I finally found it at the 4th store we hit.  What should've taken a couple of hours, wound up taking over 5.

Between the weather, stress (from tires & change in schedule), the driving & the irritation of other people's driving I was suddenly left exhausted.   I haven't done that to myself in a while & I don't plan on doing it again any time soon.  I am not that healthy & even if I feel alright at the beginning of the day it doesn't mean I will halfway through it.  

I pushed too much Monday & Tuesday.  Nothing seemed all that big at the time, but all that little crap added up & zapped me.  When I say exhausted, I don't mean tired.  I mean my energy is just gone.  There is no slow tapering off like when you get tired.  This is like you're a vacuum cleaner someone just unplugged.  

The biggest problem with this is, a single night's sleep won't remedy the situation.  It may take a few days of doing little to nothing before I feel well again.  I had to get trash out & I'll do some cooking, but beyond that, nothing much is getting done today.   I hate it when I push myself like that.  It's just another thing no one tells you about being + & in your 40's.


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