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Monday, January 27, 2014

Bit Rushed...

We're cold today & I had to run out this morning to get blood drawn for my lab work.  My appointment is the 3rd Wednesday in February, but I wanted to give the lab time for a redraw if there's a screw up.  I got up early in hopes of missing a rush.  That didn't work out as well as I had hoped it would.  The out-patient area at the hospital was packed.  I finally got through it & got my blood drawn.

I put off a lot I normally do in the morning, so I could get around on time for this.  Now, I'm playing catch up.   Which is why I'm rushing a bit now.  Mondays have a tendency to get rushed for me.  It seems if I have nothing planned they go by slowly.  If I have a single thing planned, then everything else has to happen at the same time.  

Here's hoping my labs go well.   These things always make me nervous.  You think you're fine, but you never known until the results get back.  For now, I wait.


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