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Friday, January 10, 2014

Bye Bye Gecko...

Hello Progressive.  I've been busy with a bit lately.  1 of the things occupying me was my car insurance.  Geico had raised my rates twice in the last 2 years & it had nothing to do with my driving.  It was going to have my rate at $185 US  for just liability & no uninsured motorist on a '94 Mazda.  They left me no choice but to shop around.

Esurance quoted me nearly the same rate.  But, Progressive was $138, which included uninsured motorist.  I could've dropped down to 125 if I'd not taken the uninsured part.  Still it dropped me nearly $50.

The point is simple, you have to keep on top of these things.  I didn't intend on changing insurance agencies, but Geico's rates were ridiculous for a 20 year old car with nearly 300K miles on it.  I really don't like having to change things once I've got them where I like them, but sometimes you have no choice.

That's happened with both my insurance & my computer this month.  I'm also changing my phone plan & phone.  At least I choose those changes.  It may be time to see what else in my life & routine needs reevaluation.  I'm looking at you CVS pharmacy.  I 'd love it if I could change that.


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