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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Cold & Busy...

OK, it is seriously cold here, it's still in the teens.  We might make it to the 40's today.  This is supposed to the last really cold day for a while.  I hope so.  My fingers are so cold  & swollen from this mess I can barely type a few characters without making a mistake.    This is taking forever.

I have a lot of errands to do today, both inside & out of the house.  I'm not happy about going out in the cold, but I have to go pick up my roomie from Fort Smith.  It's her 1st serious excursion out of the house in weeks that hasn't involved something medical.    I hope her day goes well.

Anyway, I've got things to do, bills to pay & trash to take out.  I will type more tomorrow.   Hopefully, it'll be warmer.


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