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Sunday, January 5, 2014

Cold Fingers...

We've hit our high today of 24 F.  For now we're fortunate & there's no wind.  There's a light snow over snow frozen mist.  By this evening, the winds will begin & we're supposed to be at 10 F before the windchill.  
I seriously dislike cold weather.   My fingers are cold & I'm bundled to the point that typing is a real pain.  I'm making more typos than I ever do.  

Tomorrow is supposed to be as cold. Luckily, beyond that we're supposed to warm up a bit.  I'm looking forward to warmer days.  I've already replaced the outdoor animals water once today because it was frozen.  When I looked out just a bit ago, it was nearly frozen again.  I'll have to keep changing it.

Wherever you are, I hope you're warm.


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