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Saturday, January 4, 2014

Headed Into Serious Cold...

There's supposed to be a big Arctic push into our area.  It looks as if we'll be spared most of the major snow, but the cold is another matter.  The overnight colds for the next few nights could be into the single digits for the 1st time this year.  Hopefully, it won't get that cold.

I am not, nor will I ever be, a fan of weather below 40 F.   I'd prefer it if the temperature stayed between 60 - 95.  Having to wear layers, keep the heaters on & be bundled in blankets is not my idea of a good time.  It plays havoc on my sinuses, muscles & skin.

Still, it is Winter & this is what the season does.  I still don't like it.  Bears have the right idea, sleep through the whole blasted thing.  If we don't freeze solid, I'll blog more tomorrow.


PS.  I realize many places get colder than here & all I can say to that is, it sucks to be where you're at.

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