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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Another Tuesday...

Not much going here today,  My roomie & I are just trying to get our normal routines back.   Between her medical stuff, my feeling off & the damn weird weather, getting back to normal is no small feat.  Even as loose as our definition of normal is.

When it's this cold, it's hard for me to get motivated to do much of anything.  I hate the cold.  Still, we try.

I have 2 appointments in February.  I  need to see my specialist & my dentist.   Both are regular visits, nothing to be concerned.  At least as far as I know.

January is winding down already.  This 1st month of 2014 has definitely made an impact.  It could've been worse, but it could've been better.  I'm mainly back into my exercise routine.  That's a perk for me.  I plan on adding to it next month.  Here's hoping February is in a good mood this year.


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