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Sunday, January 26, 2014

8 - 71 F...

2 days ago it was 8 F in the morning.  I was not a happy camper being that cold.  Today on the other hand, is supposed to get to 71 F.  My head is spinning from sinus pressure.  To hell with there being no screw ups in the weather & global warming.  Several times this month the jet stream has been so off, the lower 48 states (US) have been colder than Alaska.  That is not supposed to be.

I'm not feeling well today.  I have to go get my blood drawn tomorrow & it's supposed to be very cold again.  My hands & feet are having a hell of time. The chillblains really react to sudden surges in warmth.  I just about got my hands over this, but this warm up has them swollen again.

We went shopping this morning & it wore me out.  I didn't sleep well last night.  I'll be glad when we get a more normal weather pattern back.  That'll probably never happen.  Oh well, I'll do my best to stay comfortable.


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