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Saturday, January 18, 2014

Atmospheric Issues...

Even though it's been unseasonably warm here. We've still had the heaters going in the house & car.  My nose & sinuses hate heaters.  I can handle it for a while & then the dry air gets to me.  Then the problem begins.  I get nosebleeds.

They're not bad, just annoying & way too frequent.  I can usually get them to stop very quickly.  But, they get tiresome.  For someone who's +, it means constantly having to make sure you got every drop cleaned away.  You don't want to contaminate anyone.

The drier air & the shifts between it & moister air are the bane of nose during the cold months.  I can get nosebleeds from allergy pills as well, but they're usually less frequent & far easier too deal with.  Besides the cold, we've also had a lot of wind this last week blowing everything up in the air.   That's not helpful at all when you're trying to get your nose to calm down.

Oh well, just another seasonal issue like colds & chillblains. Not much you can do about it, except push forward.  


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