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Thursday, January 16, 2014

Not Much...

There isn't much going on here today besides warring with a stubborn program that doesn't want to be removed.   I'm glad there isn't much going on, we could use a breather with nothing going sideways or having to run errands to Fort Smith.  There's a lot of catch TV watching to do. Then some cooking. That's about all for the day.   

The net seems fairly absent of articles that I want to cover. Many of them are repeat topics.  Another dentist is causing issues due to negligence, this time in Sydney.  It's mostly just the same old right now in article land.

We're mid way through January & nearly a month in Winter.  Other than the wind, the last few days have been warm. We're supposed to be dropping back into more seasonally appropriate weather later this week. 

Here's hoping for a calm remainder of the month.


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