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Saturday, January 25, 2014


Blogger is cooperating more today.  A lot of Google's products had issues yesterday.  I'm not sure what happened, but I'm glad they got them fixed.

My roomie's situation is being more actively dealt with & that's lessening the stress in the house.  The unknown is always a point of contention.  You can't make plans for the unknown, because you don't know what it is you're planning for.  This leaves you feeling anxious & fairly helpless.

We did our best (mostly her) to come up with possible plans of action in case of various scenarios.  Right now she has 2.  Number 1 is the preferred more effeceint route.  The 2nd, is the in case of plan 1's failure.  

That doesn't leave much room & she can't start dealing with it further for a while, but at least we have plans.  Sometimes having a plan is enough to settle your mind.  If you do have to do something, having a plan can make things go smoother in a bad situation.  

Of course all plans can fall to pieces the moment they're implemented.  Still it's better to have 1 & see where it gets you, as opposed to being totally unprepared.   Here's hoping plan 1 goes well. 


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