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Sunday, April 14, 2013

Yeah, The Yard Is Mowed...

The lawn guy finally showed up today.  I'm very happy about this.  The yard was getting way too high.  Soon, I'd been able to cut & bale it.  A neighbor cat was stalking through it earlier today.  She was probably hoping to find big game in the tall grass.  She's pregnant & could probably eat some fairly substantial prey.

The grass had gone seedy & the pollen was getting intense.  I'm glad he got here today, we have a fairly good chance for rain tonight.  It was already pass my knees in some parts.  Another rain would've given it even more of a growth spurt.

I know, a mowed yard is a small thing, but I'm still very happy it's done.  Even more thrilled by the idea I didn't have to do it.    The yard looks presentable again.  At least for the time being.


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