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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Slow Net, Noise & Hellshitz...

Not having a great day here.  I wasn't feeling that well yesterday.  I was feeling better this morning until today's frustrations kicked in.  The net is moving at a crawl & my typing looks awful because it's not getting all the spaces I'm typing.  Add to that my neighbors have decided it's let's be-loud-as-hell day.  They've got moving trucks, screaming babies, dogs, loud children & of course lawn mowers.  Woo hoo for me.  I just love listening to other people's racket.

To top it all off though, my old cat has a new trick.  It had happened before but we thought it had been another cat.  Besides his ability to imitate a fountain with vomit, he can also use his ass as a gateway to some hell dimensions of rancid loose shit.  The smell was horrible.  It was immediately cleaned up, but the damage was done.  The horrid stench lingered for over an hour.  I've cleaned a lot of litter boxes & nothing ever smelled like that.   Thank you old cat for expanding my knowledge of nasty odors.

I'll type more tomorrow.


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