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Sunday, April 21, 2013

New Approach...

This article talks about a new approach to directly administer HIV meds to the brain.  Due to the blood-brain barrier very few meds can actually reach the virus hiding in the tissue.   Making the brain a great hiding spot for HIV.  There are other places were the virus can hide as well but the brain is potentially the most difficult to treat.  If this approach is perfected it could alter treatment for not only HIV, but other illnesses where the brain is directly affected, yet hard to treat.

The article was rather brief, but promising.  I'll be keeping my eye on this research.  At this stage it wouldn't work for me.  It's based on AZZTP, which as far as I can tell is related to AZT.  I'm very reactive to that medication.  However, maybe this is just the 1st med they've tried with using this procedure.  Could prove interesting.


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