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Saturday, April 13, 2013

A Change In The Weather...

We're warming up around here.  With Spring comes some changes I'm not happy to see.  I'm already tired of the allergens.  The weather & light changes are making my sleep weird.  I'm sleeping, but I still don't feel rested.  

The yard guy hasn't been able to mow due to rain & whatever else is in his life.  I hope he gets here soon, the yard's turning into a jungle of seedy grass.  Who knows what's living in some of the taller stuff.  Yet, still no blooms on the Tulips or Irises.  

The seasonal change will settle down soon enough.  Right now we're just stuck in that weird place of not being warm of to open windows & put away blankets, but too warm to be comfortable under blankets.  Another few days of this stuff & I'll definitely have to start using my allergy meds again, yuck!   

Sleep issues, allergies & dehydration have left me tired & achy.  At least I'm still getting most of my exercise.  Without that I'd be stiff as hell.   


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